Sex is a brilliant thing that always provides sensual, breathtaking moments. How can I savor sex even more? How do I enjoy foreplay the right way? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, we’re happy to work with you to find out what types of foreplay there are and how you can use them skillfully. After all, not all foreplay is the same. Here, too, there are a lot of variations that you can try out together with your Ivana Model. We are sure that both of you will make the time excellent.
Why is there foreplay during sex?
The simple answer to this is that it is huge fun! But why exactly is that at all? What does foreplay do to us and our bodies? Foreplay triggers physical as well as physiological reactions in us. This in turn makes for a more intense libido. The physiological effect also causes greater familiarity between partners. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a real relationship or you have found yourself an Ivana Girlfriend Experience. The sexual as well as passionate intensity is excellently increased by foreplay. In addition, as is known, lowers the inhibition threshold after an intense, inspiring foreplay, which can incidentally make the actual sex even more sensual and wild. Especially when you might have a bit of stress – be it at work or in your personal life – a juicy foreplay can increase libido and provide even more pleasure during intercourse.
For example, when you start kissing, this can release various substances in the body, which in turn boost desire. When kissing, oxytocin, dopamine as well as serotonin are released. This lowers the stress hormone in our body, so you can look forward to carefree, sexy hours. At the same time, the desire for more affection as well as bonding and also euphoria arises in us. Not just sexual desire is increased, no, so is sexual arousal. Exactly what does sexual arousal do? This also triggers powerful reactions in the body. Among other things, it can provide for the increase of heart rate, pulse as well as also blood pressure. Furthermore, the blood vessels are dilated, as well as those of the genitals. This provides more blood flow to the genitals, so that erogenous zones become even more sensitive.
What are the types of foreplay?
Foreplay without the sex afterwards? Yes, please! Because foreplay itself can already be the act of passion. So there are many different variations that you can all try on an escort date! Here again, nothing must, everything can. Only what feels really good for both of you is right. Listen again to yourself, your body as well as your lovely escort girl. Because foreplay can mean something completely different for everyone and does not always necessarily lead to sexual intercourse. After all, many people already climax during or through foreplay. Ladies in particular often enjoy intense foreplay that brings them to a vaginal or clitoral orgasm. In fact, in many situations, women have reported that they climax better during foreplay than during actual sex.
Foreplay with a difference! It doesn’t always have to be physical contact to perform foreplay. Some couples enjoy getting heated up over several days before really getting down to business. Hot messages – for example, a sweet note that you leave in the bedroom or even a sexy picture – can also provide an increase in desire. Of course, a sexy voice message or a WhatsApp message with which you turn your partner’s head also does the trick in this context. Because here not only the sexual part is served. With a sensual note, the partner also knows that you have just thought of them.
How about a little hidden foreplay outside? If you are looking for that extra thrill, you can of course enjoy yourself outdoors. Here we are not talking about outdoor sex but just some touching outside your own four walls. For example, if you are out on a dinner date, it can certainly be very invigorating to kiss a little or exchange other light touches. After all, knowing that you can’t do more than this right now can be just as appealing. Forbidden things are known to be especially attractive. Exchanging erotic glances alone can provide the necessary titillation at a dinner out or any place in public.
Role-playing games as foreplay? What are the possibilities?
Role-playing can also feel mind-blowing and be suitable as foreplay. Acting out wild fantasies can strengthen and further deepen the bond between you and the callgirl. Confide in each other all your wishes, ideas as well as needs. Perhaps you can really live out these already in the next foreplay. After all, our fantasies are often exactly what turns us on. So if you imagine your partner in a sexy nurse costume, for example, talk to her about it and soon you’ll both experience the foreplay of a lifetime. Of course, in the context of role play, it can also be something completely different from the well-known classics. There are no limits to your fantasies. You both decide together what you want to experience and live out.
The duration or intensity of the foreplay is similar. There is no right, no wrong. Take the time you need and you will certainly get your money’s worth. Constantly looking at the clock only destroys sensuality, which is why we at Ivana Models Agency recommend turning all the clocks around and devoting yourself completely to your partner. Because an intense, authentic foreplay can last two minutes but equally three hours. You decide! Just as it almost always is when it comes to sex. Together you can imagine your favorite scenarios as well as carry them out in reality. Maybe you also like to just fantasize as well as talk about it? Because dirty talk, for example, can also make a great foreplay and boost your libido. Sexy words from the sexy mouth of a sexy lady are in any case not to be underestimated.
A foreplay for all the senses – taste the sexy time
We now know that foreplay can take place in a variety of ways. But have you ever thought about the simplest tools? For example, a little candlelight alone can already be the first step for a tantalizing foreplay. In addition, everything looks immediately sexier in the flickering light. Playful, dreamy but also dirty, you can indulge in the shimmering light of your partner and enjoy a foreplay of the extra class. Caution is of course always necessary with candles, so we can recommend candles in beautiful glasses. With these, the light also shimmers quite elegantly. Candlelight can of course also be supported by various other light sources. Which ideas there are here and which colors can radiate eroticism, you may read in our latest posts.
With the right light, we have already checked off a big point, but it is certainly not enough! Because the ear also wants to be beguiled, of course. In addition to dirty talk and beautiful moaning – we have also provided inspiration on this topic in our guide – music can of course also be very seductive. Whether loud and wild or yet soft, light music – there are no limits to your fantasies. Together you can try out what kind of music, what volume as well as intensity makes you both blossom. Music as part of foreplay is not suitable for everyone. If you prefer to listen to the voice and sounds of your companion, this is of course just as sexy. If you’re talking about music, you shouldn’t disregard dancing either. Perhaps not quite as well-known as many other types of foreplay, but still a real highlight – dancing together or dancing for your respective partner! Have you never done it before? Then now is the time to give it a try. Maybe you have discovered a whole new kind of foreplay that completely turns you both on as well as excites you.
Whether you dance close together or let your callgirl dance up to you, of course, is up to both of you. Striptease as foreplay is also a true anturner for many couples. Because by dancing off clothes, you get a little glimpse of later hours, which in turn can increase the desire for it. And let’s be honest – who can resist an attractive lady or a hot gentleman undressing? So watching your own partner do it can increase the passion enormously and intensify the actual lovemaking.
Now it’s getting fruity – aphrodisiac as foreplay
When we talk about the senses, of course, the sense of taste must not be missing. There’s something beautiful for the ears, something beguiling to look at, and now fine treats that not only taste good but also stimulate lust just as much. No matter what you want to start with, aphrodisiacs are heavenly friends of foreplay. A sexy strawberry with which you feed your partner is probably one of the most popular variants. As well as a piece of chocolate or maybe even the combination of both in the form of a fruit-chocolate fondue. Of course, the classics strawberry or cherry with whipped cream also fit the bill here. This fun is as sexy as it is delicious and will certainly provide for some dirty hours. You can consider whether you enjoy these delicacies directly in the bedroom or crank up the desire for more in advance, for example, on a picnic.
Please keep touching! Probably the most important sense when it comes to sex and physical contact: the sense of touch. So as foreplay it is quite appropriate to touch. To what extent this happens is up to the lovers. Light, gentle touches that increase and perhaps thus initiate sexual intercourse are, of course, the classics. However, kinky games can also be appropriate as wild foreplay. Making out can bring just as much pleasure. Kissing, smooching, tickling! A little Netflix & Chill can certainly also be a contemporary way of foreplay. If you touch, you can also perform or savor a massage once in a while. Because touching doesn’t always mean kissing and cuddling. No, it can equally imply an erotic massage that is also perfect as a sexy foreplay. The nice side effect of this is that the body can relax through the massage, making it even easier to get down to business. Of course, once again the erogenous zones can be given special attention. Which exactly these are, you can read in our sex guide.
When it comes to the sense of touch, toys also come to mind. The foreplay can certainly be increased if you include some toys. These don’t just have to be used during intercourse, but are really good for a little erotic foreplay. Again, both of you can let off steam to find out which toys are best suited for you personally. Because the selection is an overwhelming one! It does not only have to be vibrators and the like, also an eye mask or a small whip for example can initiate an exciting foreplay.
Oral sex as wet foreplay?
Oral sex is a wonderful thing that can be found in any sexual context and fits perfectly. So also as foreplay. Either you take care of your partner extensively and she then takes care of you, or you both enjoy the sweet taste of oral sex at the same time through position 69. Certainly, it has a nice and increasing effect to take care of your partner first – and this, knowing that you will be pampered afterwards as well. Because this can also increase the desire again. During oral sex as foreplay, you can then include all the other points mentioned above and be beguiled by the heavenly combination. A sexy escort callgirl that cares for you with her full lips, while candlelight flickers, sensual music plays and you give a little dirty talk of yourself, sounds quite pleasant, don’t you think?
As always, the actual implementation of all these ideas and suggestions is up to you. You can be inspired by our tips to build on them to savor your personal extravagant sex experience. Do not forget the brilliant callgirls of the Ivana agency! Because they are already looking forward to your call or your message, so that you can enjoy an unforgettable, breathtaking foreplay together. With the right accompaniment, every evening will be a wild sex adventure that will take both of your breath away.
We wish many sensual moments – The Ivana Models Agency