In the night of the 31st of October to the 1st of November, it is that time again. The ghosts, witches, and werewolves are coming out to play. Halloween is the perfect occasion to spook around at night, together with your VIP escort.
What we now call Halloween originated in Ireland and spread over the rest of Europe, all the way to America. Traditionally, the Irish cut faces into turnips and put a candle inside. This was meant to scare away the ghosts. Around 1850, many Irish moved to America. There, they found mostly pumpkins to carve out. So the turnip lantern turned into the pumpkin lantern. The tradition of the pumpkin ghosts continues on to today.
Trick or treat with your Halloween escort
While the others are carving out their pumpkins and go collect sweets, you will spend your very own personal night with your Halloween Escort Lady.
Together with a travelling escort, you can arrive together in your city of choice or meet her there. If you feel like getting the creeps during the daytime, we can highly suggest the dungeons in Berlin and Hamburg.
Here, the both of you, close against each other, can get into an eerie mood. On the 31st of October, a good horror flick is a must. Fans of horror movies can expect a real treat. In 2018, the legendary Michael Myers makes his horrible return to the movie screen, with the aptly named movie „Halloween 2018“.
After all of this horror, you should not continue on an empty stomach. In many cities, you will find great Halloween dinners and gastronomical highlights.
Your very personal escort service for Halloween
Come dark, Halloween offers many exciting theme parties at night. If you are looking for joy and excitement in the night of the ghosts, you will surely find a great party after your taste in every major city. Whether with one or many ladies, you will be the eye catcher of the night. If you want to take your Halloween experience to the next level, you can spend the night with your premium escort lady in a room of one of the many German Castles. In the neighboring countries, such as Austria and Switzerland, you will find many spooky and exciting domiciles for your Halloween night. Activity suggestions, accommodations, and further recommendations can be found in our city overview. But what costume will you be sporting, while spooking around the city? The classic vampire lord and lady? Or as the Big Wolf and Red Riding Hood? Your charming company gladly helps out with choosing the right costume. And what about your high class escort? Creepy or sexy? A mix of both is best, guaranteed.
Whether as a princess, a maid or in all leather. The choices are varied. You can decide in which costume the lady will impress. Should you not want to wait to get your costume now, you will surely find something here.
We hope you have a creepy and equally exciting Halloween night with your high class escort.
Your High Class Escort Service