A topic on which minds differ: Leave the light on during sex or leave it off after all? Of course, there is no general rule for this. Once again, it all depends on your own preferences or those of the high class callgirl you meet on a brilliant dinner date to answer this question. A little variety certainly does the whole thing good. But what is more popular – leaving the light on during sex or turning it off? Find out below in which direction the “trend” is going.
Can light during sex stimulate lovemaking?
When it comes to sizzling moments in the bedroom, or any other sensual place, ideas, preference and fantasies differ. And this also concerns the question of light in the love room. Do you prefer it with the light on or off? Even though there are no instructions or anything like that here, it is interesting to find out about the different preferences. Some people prefer the beguiling darkness in the bedroom, whereas others prefer invigorating light. Which type are you; which light do you prefer, if you like it in the light? Surveys show that men in particular prefer to leave the light on in the bedroom than to turn it off during sex. But why is this actually so? What are the origins of this? The reasons for this are completely different, which is very understandable especially when it comes to sex.
So what are the preferences when we talk about the topic of light during sex? Many people swear by light, flickering candlelight during sex, because this way they feel a pleasant and at the same time sensual ambience. When using candles, it is of course important to be aware of possible fire hazards. Once this point is checked off, you can indulge in atmospheric hours in light. The shimmering effect can have a seductive effect during sex and additionally intensify it. In addition, you thus meet the golden mean – in delicate, light light you can admire your dreamy escort model, while you indulge in carefree hours that you fill with sizzling eroticism. But even a small, fine bedside lamp, for example, can do great things when it comes to sensuality in the bedroom. With its indirect light, the lamp will enchant you and your partner within seconds.
Indulge in numerous, mind-blowing moments with a light glow and give it a try! Test whether you like it with or without light. Test in which intensity your light should shine and if necessary also which colors stimulate you particularly. Because the color of the light can also be very relevant for lovemaking and support it. But we’ll get to that later. Why can it be nice to leave the light on? Many people believe that they can enjoy as well as savor sex with your partner better and more intensely if at least a little light is turned on. Direct eye contact with your love partner is also felt by many people to be very arousing and inspiring.
Can light influence sex?
Whether lamps, different colors and plays of lights can positively change sex, of course, depends entirely on your nature, entirely on your preferences and ideas. We at Ivana Models Agency are sure that with a little trial and error, you will find your favorite light that will get you going in a special way. After all, further effects during sex can always be pleasure-increasing if they are used correctly. However, there really is no real right and wrong here – everything that feels good for you and your partner is fantastic! The excitement here is also in the change. For example, you can start your lovemaking in complete darkness before moving step by step to a lighted environment, playing a little with the brightness levels and testing each other out. Many couples like to leave the light on during sex, as this allows them not only to enjoy eye contact but also to admire their partner’s body. Thus, the desire should be increased and intensified.
The time of sex also plays a big role when it comes to the question of light. Thus, many couples think that if they decide to do it at night, they would probably enjoy sex without light, although they usually do it with the lights on. After all, it is also a question of situation as well as mood. If it just fits, light candlelight, a bedside lamp or also full, direct light are offered. In spontaneous situations, on the other hand, the majority seems to be comfortable with the light turned off. Some couples even say that they have found out in this way that they like it better without light after all. As you can see, there are no exact instructions and you can discover a side of yourself that you may not have known before. Test, test, test and listen to your own gut feeling, that’s what it’s all about!
What is certain is that different lights can certainly stimulate the love game. Perhaps you will surprise your travel companion with a completely unusual light that will beguile and enchant you both? Alternatively, get involved in sensual hours with bright colors that your partner has selected for you in advance. You certainly can’t do anything wrong here. But it can be helpful to pay attention to the different colors when choosing the light. So there are shades that awaken desire and love in us, on the other hand, which can cause exactly the opposite or stress us. Which colors are particularly suitable for erotic bedroom moments, you will learn below. But first, let’s deal with another, also very interesting question:
Do women like lights on during sex?
We have talked about the gentlemen of creation and their preferences. But what is the result when women of the species are asked?
Here too – how could it be expected otherwise? – opinions are divided. Many women, however, apparently prefer to leave out the light during sex. The reasons are quite different: some ladies find that it is more sensual to surrender to the partner in mysterious darkness, while others like to leave out the light, because otherwise they feel too observed. The latter is based on the fact that many of the ladies can or want to act out sexually better if they do not have the feeling that someone is watching them or their movements are being closely observed. Another reason for many is their own insecurity – be it with movements they do or simply with their own body. There is nothing reprehensible about this, of course, but we still find it a shame when sensual, fun moments are filled with self-doubt. Every person is beautiful and this in their very own way. So if you find fault with something about yourself, please don’t let that stop you! Especially sex is about the pleasure, the shared enjoyment, the shared savoring of beguiling moments. Therefore, do not restrict yourself too much by supposed “faults” – in most cases, our counterpart sees only pure eroticism in us.
Another reason for turned off light can be the complete devotion to the partner. Many ladies – and also some gentlemen – feel that darkness during sex increases tension as well as pleasure. The length of intercourse can also be altered by barely there light. Some women find natural light – for example, the first rays of sunlight flashing through the window – particularly sensual and believe that it allows them to concentrate better on the actual sex. Often, women also reflect that they like light, dimmed light when they are in a romantic relationship and feel completely comfortable with their partners. What preferences you or your escort have, you can test together and find out. Maybe you also belong to the people who like both? Because the change can also be very tingling. A change of light as well as that of place, duration and time can be invigorating for your own sex life. In addition, if you vary all of these areas – you can create a wonderful play of the senses. While in the morning you can completely romantically indulge in a GFE in bed with light sunlight, in the evening you can experience wild role-playing by candlelight or colored light. Let your fantasies run wild to enjoy the most beautiful pleasures of your life! Which colors are particularly tingling and which you should rather avoid, you will learn in the next paragraph.
Can different colors be decisive during sex? Which colors are suitable for better sex?
Starting with the popular shade of red, let’s take a look at different colors and their potential effect on us humans. Red is an intense, powerful color, which can mean as well as trigger in us many things from lust and love to danger and risk. In a sexual context, red light – especially when indirect and dimmed – provides greater pleasure for many people. If you are in the bedroom and you are initiating lovemaking with your callgirl, different shades of red can intensify sex. Not only can it increase desire, but red tones can also be motivating, making sex itself stronger, more powerful, or even longer. In addition, a red tone often conveys warmth as well as courage and has a dynamic effect on many people. However, a beautiful shade of blue – if it is not too cold – can also have an invigorating and awakening effect. Furthermore, blue can awaken the feeling of relaxation and intimacy in us, which is great for romantic moments in complete togetherness. A light in blue can also trigger a sea feeling. To perfect this experience, you could put on the appropriate music or some ocean noise. And just like that, you have your own personal love color game. Of course, ceiling lighting in blue can also be very heavenly – it’s best to try it out right away.
An intense shade of violet combines everything: luxury, desire and love. Purple light can make you and your partner feel magical, seductive, a little mysterious and thus provide equally magical moments. Moreover, this tone is usually titled as extraordinary and thus even more interesting. If you are expecting a high class lady in your own four walls, she will certainly be delighted by her violet color play.
As you have surely noticed, the use of light and different colors can certainly influence the mood and desire. What you make of it is entirely up to you. Maybe you will also opt for colored light? This can also be very stimulating. Or do you have a color in mind that we missed? We also welcome your ideas and suggestions!
What is the best way to express myself sexually?
Whether with or without light, whether in a rich shade of green or yet a happy pink, whether alone, as a couple or yet three on a duo date – sex is a wonderful thing that we should all enjoy as well as make the most of. How to best savor your sex life is up to you to decide. We hope to give you some interesting ideas along the way. The most important point is – as it always is – to have fun with the whole thing. Don’t go through every step based on a manual, don’t get uptight if something doesn’t go according to plan. Because let’s be honest: In sex, it usually should not anyway. After all, the fun lies in trying things out, enjoying them together, savoring precious moments, not in always looking perfect, following rules or simply following a choreo in a completely tense way.
As always, Ivana Models Agency wishes you a lot of pleasure and stress-free hours. Design your own sex life also according to your own ideas as well as preferences – no matter how they please others and whether they might be smiled at. As long as you and your partner or your escort girlfriend have fun with what is happening, you can be sure that you have done everything right, respectively. Share your fantasies with your sweetheart so that they can soon become real. If you want to get some information about sex fantasies, you can read our magazine article about it. Your Ivana Models team greets you warmly and says until next time!