Oral sex – one of the most beautiful sensualities you can share with your partner or the Ivana Escort Model. Embark on a beguiling, mind-blowing journey full of sizzling eroticism that will take you through the exciting facets of oral pleasure. Whether it’s foreplay, afterplay or the highlight of the entire evening, oral sex is one of the most popular activities you can enjoy in tender company. We believe that you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure – unless you simply don’t like it, which is of course also perfectly fine. Trying it out is again the crucial point here! Let yourself also be enchanted, seduced, enraptured by indulging in all your preferences on a brilliant date and savor the beautiful world of oral sex. Ivana Models Agency wishes you a lot of fun reading and trying! As usual, we are always at your disposal for any suggestions.
The magic of oral sex – what makes blowjobs and cunnilingus so beautiful?
We know by now that sex is wonderful, it can relieve stress and help you gain more self-confidence. After all, sex is one of the most popular activities and can bring a lot of sensuality as well as increase and deepen the relationship. But what is so special about oral sex? Why are we so fascinated by it, so under its spell? Many people count oral sex among their favorite types of intercourse. Surrendering oneself completely to one’s partner is an aspect that represents an extravagant attraction for many people – regardless of whether they are gentlemen or escorts. Tingling and beguiling. Many people find oral sex with your partner particularly intimate, which is why they feel they are even closer to him or her than during “normal” sexual intercourse. During oral sex, you or your partner are as close to the other person as hardly ever before. The fact that they can perceive the smell and taste of the other person is also a special attraction for many. They feel even closer to the partner, can perceive him more intensively – with all the senses they want to use for this.
Now it’s getting French! – There are no standard instructions for oral sex either. Some love it, some prefer to avoid it. There is nothing that woman or man must or must not do in this context – everything that pleases you both is right. Anyone who says otherwise has not fully understood the sensuality of sex and oral sex. Don’t let doubts or concerns stop you, enjoy the brilliant moments with your callgirl. As always, the motto for oral intercourse is: according to your mood! And already both of you will feel gorgeous. Because oral sex can be heavenly for both sides. Talk to your partner in advance so that you can give yourself to each other afterwards – without any worries or thoughts, because sex is pleasure. You should not think too long about what you are doing and whether exactly this is perfect. Before and after sex, you can of course ask your partner how it was for her and what moments she particularly enjoyed. In the same way, you may of course let the lady at your side know if something about the blowjob did not suit you or if you found something unpleasant.
The oral satisfaction in the man – the blowjob
If we want to start with fellatio, the oral intercourse in men, the different erogenous zones of the man are also to be considered. Because with the right technique, an endless lust and a lot of oral fun you will reach a blowjob in a class of its own. Of course, every man is different, each body is different. Nevertheless, there are some parts of the body that can be particularly sensitive and erogenous in men. These include, among many others, the testicles of the man. However, the opinions of gentlemen differ widely on this. While the one gentleman, the stroking, licking and touching of this part provides huge pleasure, the other feels this as unpleasant. Again, talk to your partner. Listen to his or her words, pay attention to his or her feelings, and just as importantly, stand by what you like or don’t like. Slowly you can approach to find out what gives you pleasure and what you prefer to avoid.
The penis shaft itself is usually not very sensitive, but still loves to be touched. What form this touching should take depends entirely on you and your preferences. Kisses and other light touches are sometimes most recommended here. The glans also belongs to the erogenous zones of the man and is one of the most sensitive. You will experience a lot of pleasure as well as lust when you let your high class call girl please you. No matter whether with the tongue, the lips, some kisses – the wet and cheerful fun is already waiting for you! With careful touches, the escort lady can give herself to you, so that you both can find out what gives you the most pleasure.
What must not be forgotten during the blowjob are the pleasures of the lady. Because the woman can also feel great pleasure during the blowjob. While the lady slowly playfully approaches your best piece, kisses your belly, caresses you and finds the way to your happiness. How intense and fast this should proceed is entirely up to you and your partner. A slow increase can also be very tingling, especially if you are dating a new model or want to get involved with a new partner. No matter whether the blowjob takes place on your knees, the lady lies on the bed during it or you choose or think up another position – perfect for both of you – is up to both of you. As mentioned above, you should not be unsettled, neither by a moment that may not have gone as planned, nor by other people’s opinions.
Oral sex for the ladies – cunnilingus
Oral sex is also mind-blowing for many women. Being orally pampered all around by your partner brings many ladies to climax, easier still than vaginal intercourse. Often this variant of oral sex is completely disregarded, which we at IMA (Ivana Models Agency) find very unfortunate. After all, oral sex can bring just as many pleasures to women as it does to men. Here, too, you can pay attention to the body language of your partner, listen to what she says and indulge in sensual hours. Of course, it is important to communicate. However, during sex, both of you should simply surrender, and do so without thinking too much. Too many thoughts during intercourse can make it less fun, less spontaneous as well as fulfilling.
If you know what your model particularly likes, you can also get started! Light kisses to start with are also recommended for women. Which places you kiss, caress or touch is entirely up to the woman’s body. Does she perhaps like it when you kiss her neck, caress her belly or go directly to the vagina? Every woman is different, try it out! Some ladies find some foreplay nice, others may already find oral sex to be foreplay. Either way, you’re both in for some great times as you explore the magic of oral sex. Many ladies – as well as gentlemen – find it pleasurable when you are “cheered on” by your partner during oral sex. This can also be expressed in very different ways. Maybe it’s done with a little dirty talk and they notice how much pleasure your partner feels during the blowjob or you yourself like it when the lady tells you meanwhile how much fun she has herself.
The ladies of creation – they have just like the man parts of the body that are particularly sensitive as well as erogenous. Here, too, we want to say in advance that, of course, there is no exact instruction. Listen to what your partner tells you. Listen to your own feelings and find out – preferably during the process – what the respective woman likes. Because not every woman likes oral sex, not every woman climaxes in the same way. Here it is important to understand body language, as well as to completely engage with each other. The neck, the décolleté as well as the belly are places on the body where many women like to be touched. Also the ears, the legs as well as of course the vagina itself and everything that it brings beautiful can be erogenous with the lady. Feel your way slowly. In this way, you will quickly notice which positions you like and what the woman in the story craves.
How do I enjoy oral sex best?
Oral sex can be something quite tingling if you get involved in it and both sides enjoy it. It absolutely doesn’t matter if oral intercourse is for foreplay or afterplay, or if you completely indulge in blowjobs as well as cunnilingus. As foreplay, oral sex certainly awakens a certain magic that can be increased throughout the evening. Slowly, your partner will feel her way towards you – or vice versa. Perhaps you both also enjoy the change, so that you first take care of your high class escort girl orally, before the companion spoils you all around. Increases can arouse even more desire – both in the person who performs the oral sex and in the one who just enjoys it. Because let’s face it, sex is ultimately also just a game, a particularly beguiling one. It can also be expanded and taken to the next level with additional extras. Lubricants with flavor are often designed for oral sex, so that you can bring even more mood with this. However, of course, this only applies if you want to. Because many partners want to enjoy the taste of your lady and vice versa. For some, however, a gel or similar is a must.
Oral sex is also excellent as an after-game. After all, you once again increase the intensity as well as intimacy and can bring your partner (perhaps again) to orgasm. Different lights, colors as well as the appropriate music also works wonders. Blowjobs and also licking provide enchanting moments that you can share as well as increase with your partner. Both of you, and you alone, decide what feels right and wrong for you. Because that’s what (oral) sex is all about – the pleasures of all involved. We cannot give an exact and uniform answer for this, because each body as well as every desire is different. However, we are sure that you will certainly get your money’s worth with an Ivana Model.
Oral sex as the highlight of the evening – atmospheric, passionate and a little “dirty”. Oral pleasures are probably sometimes the most beautiful that we can give each other. Even if it “only” comes to oral sex, this can be brilliant. Let yourself be enchanted as well as delighted by both of you indulging in endless hours of pleasure. If you can make a real highlight out of it, you can plan all the other extras in advance, so that light, colors, smells are right. Because the other senses can also be decisive when it comes to oral sex. Beautiful, atmospheric lighting can work wonders, for example, or the right soft pillows can provide extra comfort. The popular position 69 is also an absolute dream for many couples. At the same time you take care of each other, give yourself to each other and enjoy orgasms at the same time. Of course, whether you prefer this position or not is also up to you. Some people feel more pleasure at the 69, others find that they can’t just focus on having fun when they go down at the same time. Test yourself out, try everything you both feel like with your dream lady.
Oral sex – nothing is a must, everything goes
In the last section, we would like to suggest to you once again how important it is to only do what you really want to do. Because an unwanted blowjob or cunnilingus – no matter from which side unwanted – will not bring any pleasure and will not give any. Only two people who are really into it and feel fun can savor oral sex. In doing so, you should not pressure anyone, nor should you allow yourself to be pressured. Fake fun is and remains just what it is, namely fake. Therefore, jump into a wild adventure full of lust and passion and test out together what brings you both the greatest joys.