Having fun with a high class escort is already the highest happiness on earth. What if you could make sex even more intense? Through a proven technique, which is to increase the desire of the partners, so that the following lovemaking is even more intense. We are talking about Tantra massages.
What is a Tantra massage?
Although Tantra is often equated with sex, it is actually about connection – whether with yourself or between you and a high class escort. After all, the word itself – derived from ancient Sanskrit – means “web” or “weaving energy.” In practice, tantra is about enlightenment: transcending both the sexual and spiritual levels by engaging in deeply meditative, spontaneous, and intimate sex. Tantra is not just about reaching a higher state of mind-body consciousness. It can also be about creating a deeper, more harmonious bond with your partner.
When you practice Tantra, you and your partner learn to be physically aware and spiritually present, providing each other with energy that continues to grow long after sex is over, charging the next discreet escort date with anticipation. Tantra also allows the two of you to explore and expand all aspects of your personalities, so that you begin to truly know the other person inside and out. Like yoga, tantra is about physical and mental awareness. As you learn and practice Tantra, you become more in tune with your body, what brings it pleasure and how it feels pleasure. This allows you to be more attentive to your body’s desires and needs and make sure they are met. Also, the energies you channel during tantric sex flow throughout your body and can intensify your orgasm.
When you practice Tantra, you connect your body, mind, and spirit. A clear mindset and willingness to step out of your comfort zone are important to engage in the unique Tantra Experience. Explain to your partner what you like about your sex life and how you could improve the experience. Also, listen to what she has to say. If your partner is open to Tantra, you can read up on the important details below and enjoy sensual, free hours.
What are the benefits of tantric massages before sex?
A tantric massage not only provides a safe space to explore each other without pressure or judgment, but has many other benefits. Apart from finding a new and deeper intimacy with your partner or on the discreet escort date, there are also health benefits. Among these particular benefits that a Tantra massage can bring you are the improvement of sexual stamina as well as more intense orgasms. So, this means that Tantra massages can take you and your escort to the next level sexually. Especially for the gentleman, it can be interesting to increase sexual stamina. Enjoying Tantra massages regularly, either with your partner or on a discreet date, can also increase your sexual desire as well as performance. The best way to try it out is by testing different Tantra practices.
What is also very interesting: this kind of massage can provide better, more intense and also longer orgasms. Especially for ladies or gentlemen who do not reach orgasm often or only with difficulty, a tantric massage can work wonders! Did you also know that massages from the Tantra world support pain relief? The whole body is trained and the connection between partners is strengthened. Tantric massages are also great for stress relief and for improving sleep. They can release physical as well as emotional blockages and at the same time provide for a stress-free existence and a more relaxed, improved sleep. Various tantric massages can also be suitable for supporting spiritual awakening.
How do I prepare for a tantric massage?
Tantra is a spiritual practice, which means your mind comes into play as much as your body. Some people find that 10 to 15 minutes of meditation can help prepare your mind for Tantra practice.
In any case, focus on breathing well. Take 15 to 20 minutes to breathe gently into your abdomen and lower back to get in touch with what is dormant deep within you and your mind – whatever it is. Stretch for a few minutes. As you stretch each part of your body, clear your mind of any negative thoughts.
Tantra is a holistic practice. It’s not about sex or orgasm – it’s about the journey that brings you to sensuality. Your environment has a direct impact on your state of mind and your ability to relax and enjoy this journey. Therefore, we recommend a quiet place where you can retreat and gather your thoughts.
Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature. Create the right mood with candles, glow lights or tinted light bulbs. Candlelight adds romance to the room, while soft, red light bulbs add a sensual touch. Now fill the room with your favorite scent. Light a scented candle, diffuse an essential oil, burn incense – anything that calms and strengthens you. Choose a scent that makes you feel sexy. Another important point, is to make the room where the tantric massage will take place softer. This means that they can distribute plush pillows, soft blankets and the like. The mood should always be romantic and a little sexual – it’s best to test out what suits you both! A self-massage can also set the right mood. Here again, it all depends on what suits you personally! It is also important to decide in advance why they perform the tantric massage. Do you want to achieve better orgasms? Do you simply want to feel more comfortable in your skin? All these can be good reasons to perform a tantric massage. The result depends entirely on the intention.
Yoni and Lingam massages for better orgasms with the callgirl
If you now let yourself be carried away to a Tantra massage together with your partner, you can live it out even more beautifully as a couple! Of course, it does not always have to boil down to sex, nevertheless, it may like to do so, if it is desired! Here again, foreplay is recommended. And this entirely according to your personal preferences. For example, you can start in the shower, with an innocent massage or light touches. Direct eye contact is also a great advantage in Tantra massages, as partners can get even closer to each other. After a few minutes of foreplay, you can now start to touch each other gently and tenderly, and then also to kiss. Take plenty of time for this. Determine in advance different temporal stages or intervals in which you will perform different touching. If you decide to have sex during a Tantra massage, do it slowly, much slower than traditional sex. Work your way up gently so that the pleasure continues to build and the two of you can get even closer. Most importantly, fully engage in the experience and let the tension build as you take your time with one sensual practice before moving on to the next. Lying together with your partner before or after sex allows you to exchange energies and build a deeper connection. Lie still for a few moments, then begin to harmonize your breathing and let the energy flow freely between the two of you. Snuggle close, with your heart and belly aligned.
Synchronize your breathing. You can try breathing in and out together. Tell your partner directly what you like. Say when you like something and ask your partner to do the same.
Also important: set an intention for your practice. Whether it’s to have better sex or to strengthen your relationship, both of you should be clear from the start what the Tantra exercises are aimed at.
After initial light touches and perhaps small massages, you can begin to focus on the genital area. During a yoni massage, the woman’s intimate area is extensively caressed and stimulated. Gentle touches as well as circular movements can be used to excite the pleasure points of the vagina. In the lingam massage, the genitals of the man are the focus and are gently stroked. With a little practice, you can learn to massage individual pressure points and effectively prolong the orgasm. Use these moments to take care of your partner extensively and let her take care of you extensively as well. As already mentioned, the slow increase is also very important in tantric massages. If you have now extensively taken care of each other, the grand finale is waiting for you! The grand finale of tantric sex is where the yoni and lingam come together. In other words: Their bodies connect and become one. Again, though, it’s not about quick movements or a quick climax. Find a position where you can look deeply into each other’s eyes. Love each other mindfully. Take breaks. Don’t worry, these can still be sensual! Steer your thoughts away from the climax. That’s not what tantric sex is about. Instead, focus on your bodies – your own and your GFE’s. In tantric sex, the journey to climax is the reward, and be sure that both the reward and the climax will be a real pleasure!
Which Tantra practices are particularly popular?
Tantra is not always the same! There is a diverse selection that you can explore together with your partner. We would like to introduce you to some popular practices below.
Practice 1: Sit cross-legged facing your partner. Place your right hand on her heart while she beats her right hand on your heart. Now close your eyes and tune into the physical rhythm of the heart. Then focus on the feeling and energy of your partner.
Practice 2: In this exercise, your partner sits upright on a bed with her legs stretched out, or on the floor if she chooses. You now sit with your knees on the lady’s lap and make yourself comfortable. Once you have found a position that is comfortable for both of you, you can begin to slowly arch your back. Now place your head between the legs of the escort lady and embrace her ankles. You will now remain seated in this position for a few minutes before switching positions afterwards. The more you learn about Tantra, the more techniques you will learn, of course, the more you will be able to completely surrender to your partner.
Have you ever heard of orgasm control? This tantric practice is about controlling your own orgasms. To do this, you arouse each other to the point that you are about to climax, only to stop and start all over again. This is supposed to positively influence the intensity, length and speed of orgasms. In addition, this way you get closer to your partner again. You should perform this exercise several times in a row to experience an even more intense orgasm at the end. So it’s worth the wait!
Appropriately, you can once again give you on the way that Tantra is about triggering a pleasant, liberating feeling. You decide for yourself what exactly that means to you. It is always important to pay attention to breathing, because deep breathing is a relevant part of Tantra practice. In preparation for such a massage, it is a good idea to once again use all your senses! This means that you can go wild: from scented candles, to soft, sensual music, to stimulating decorations for the eye.
In any case, go slowly, no matter where you want the Tantra journey to take you. A relevant part of Tantra is learning to feel and experience everything more deeply. The way there is the goal and should always be taken slowly. Don’t rush Tantra – instead, relax your mind and enjoy every second of the practice. Explore your whole body or that of your partner or the callgirl. Caress each other, kiss and explore. Experiment wildly! Kink and BDSM, for example, often incorporate tantric principles. So when you practice tantra, you don’t have to stick to the conventional tradition. Think outside the box for some extravagant, liberating hours with your high class escort. Your Ivana Models team wishes you a lot of fun!
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